Showing Style by Valerie specializes in custom designs for serious male and female exhibitors. We are proud of our quality of workmanship and will…
HORSE HAY --(WE GROW AND BALE FOR OUR OWN HORSES, AND JUST SELL THE EXTRA). We have BOTH square bales and round bales... We have approximately…
Beautiful boarding space available in Ionia. 14 acres of pasture. Lofting shed. 12 X 12 stalls with insulated water buckets, matted floors and . Turn…
I’ve been taking photos for many years. I turned my favorite hobby into a profession 9 years ago. During that time I had the privilege to…
Small hobby farm located on my grandma's property.
Hunter/Jumper/Eq, pleasure, trail, problem solving, lessons and training offered. Natural Horsemanship techniques used for any discipline. Lesson…